Issue 69

The Green New Deal is Aptly Named

An article in yesterday’s New York Times proclaims,

Liberal Democrats Formally Call for a Green New Deal, Giving Substance to a Rallying Cry.”

The NYT piece describes a new House bill co-sponsored by freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of NY and veteran Congressman Ed Markey of MA.

Right out of the gate with the convening of the 116th Congress, the battle lines for the new direction of the Democratic Party are being clarified. The progressive wing, which swept the Party to a stunning victory in taking back the House, continues to speak loudly and clearly to define what we stand for, what makes us different than those who represent the interests of the wealthy, and what is possible if we work together.

Inspired by how far Bernie Sanders took the fight for fundamental change in his 2016 presidential bid, the new voices (to a large extent led by women and people of color) are no longer interested in watered down, lukewarm reform measures. On health care, income equality, preserving democracy, and especially climate change, the mantra is similar. When do we want it? NOW!

Unlike the approach the Dems took under Obama, the starting point is not how much we need to compromise with the GOP to pass the legislation today, but rather quite simply, “what are the legislative needs and goals that support 99 % of Americans?”   

There’s always room for negotiation and compromise but that can no longer be the starting point. The Green New Deal initiative, which will address climate change head on rather than pretend that we can kick it down the road (plus incorporate a sweeping transportation infrastructure component and create new jobs to replace those in obsolete technologies like coal) is well named because we haven’t adopted such a broad comprehensive approach to tackling difficult social, political, and economic issues since FDR’s New Deal.

AOC addressing protestors sitting in at Pelosi’s office to demand meaningful climate change action

Not surprisingly, the NYT focuses on a “lack of detail” to bring about the sweeping reforms of the Green New Deal and the fact that the GOP has “greeted it with derision.” Duh, no surprise there. The fact is that real plans have been put forth for taxing the wealthy and streamlining defense spending by re-thinking our military commitments which can get this policy rolling. But what will make it successful is that there are real economic benefits to these types of infrastructure investments and they will over time, become self-sustaining.

If you read the details of the plan (see link below) you’ll realize that its co-sponsors understand the scope of what they are proposing. It is up there with FDR’s social programs and WPA, Eisenhower’s interstate highway program, and Kennedy’s moonshot initiative. All were of staggering magnitude but clearly, by no means impossible. The fact that we are fighting the clock on climate change makes the Green New Deal an imperative.

Unfortunately, for establishment Dems the handwriting on the wall is still a bit blurry. In quickly announcing that she has no plans to let a Green New Deal bill onto the floor of the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is keeping a finger in the dike, trying to hold back the inevitable tide of progressive change rather than confront the GOP and even wealthy donors in our party, who either deny the overwhelming scientific evidence that climate change is real or are dragging their feet. In response to the Green New Deal, Pelosi said,

It will be one of several or maybe many suggestions that we receive. The green dream or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they’re for it right?” 

I appreciate how Nancy Pelosi has confronted the madman on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and her experience and proficiency in managing the Democratic caucus is commendable, but the reality is that she represents what the Democratic Party used to be, not what it is becoming.

The NYT article does concede however that the Green New Deal is a “blueprint for liberal ambition”, and called it “breathtaking.” Note too by the way, how mainstream media continues to misuse the term “liberal” to describe the new progressive movement, rather than the center-right of the Democratic Party which more aptly owns that attribution.

No matter that the establishment Dems aren’t ready to introduce legislation calling for converting 100 percent of the power requirements in the U.S. to “clean, renewable, zero emission energy sources” within 10 years, to “upgrade all existing buildings” to meet stringent energy efficiency standards, and to expand high speed rail transportation to reduce our dependence on high carbon footprint air travel.  

These are the issues that MUST be part of our platform going forward. Climate change will be one of the most significant challenges that define what our 2020 presidential candidates stand for and will help separate the can-do voices of the future from the tired, don’t rock the boat views of the establishment.  The Green New Deal will play a role in deciding our future. Let’s get on board.  

For details on The Green New Deal strategy and legislation, check out:

Published on February 10, 2019 at 1:01 pm  Comments Off on Issue 69